American Atheists claims that it is a religious symbol and has no place in a government funded museum because it establishes preferential treatment for one faith above others. This is where I disagree. When it comes to purpose built monuments that are explicitly intended to be a crucifix or the ten commandments, I would agree that these displays shouldn't be tax funded and posted on government property.
This is where I believe the 9-11 'cross' is different. It was not created to be a cross. Rather, is is an artifact that was pulled from the wreckage on the twin towers. Just one of many perpendicularly intersecting steel beams that make up such structures. Yes, Christians will look at it's shape and take away a bit different impression from seeing the 'cross'. But it was never made to be a cross.
It is part of the 9-11 story, and I don't feel it is in violation of the establishment clause at all. It is one of many artifacts from that dark day. Yes, it looks a lot like a cross, and believers will likely take different meaning from it, but it's an object that was almost inevitable due to the construction methods used. It looks like a cross, but it's not really a cross any more than a rock formation that looks like a face is actually a face.
So that's my take. The 9-11 'cross' is but an artifact that has become the victim of intense distortion from both sides. It is not a miracle in the slightest, but in my opinion, it also isn't an establishment clause concern.
-Brain Hulk
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