
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Most important event in human history

Humans... We've done some amazing things as well as some terrible ones. But which was the most important. That's what HR wants to know from Billy Graham...
Q: What do you think was the most important event in human history? And why is it important? I've asked this question of many people, and no one seems to agree on the answer. --H.R.
There's one answer that certainly sticks out in my head, but let's see what babbling Billy's answer is.
A: I'm convinced that the most important event in human history was the coming of Jesus Christ into the world, and what happened as a result of His presence with us.
So the most important event in human history (to Billy) is one for which there is no evidence of it actually occurring, and if it did was 100% unnecessary? Talk about setting your standards low!

So what do I think is the single most important event in human history? The discovery and taming of fire. With fire we became able to build a fire to keep warm, to give us light at night to see as well as scare off predators. Fire enabled us to begging cooking food. This allowed us the ability to keep it longer, as well as protect against food poisoning.

Fire enabled us to more easily work metals, and powered many early machines. Fire powered steam engines, and still powers our coal-fired power plants.

Without fire, humanity may never have flourished as it did. So for me, the answer to what the most important event in human history was is a very simple one.

-Brain Hulk

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