I don't have a logical argument, so just let me yell like a crazy person and claim victory. |
In the past, I haven't been a fan of Silverman's debate skills when he goes in to talk on Fox. But I must admit that he's getting better at it. In fact, he handled himself well, despite Hannity's overbearing, ever-present attitude.
The first part Hannity had a problem with was a billboard American Atheists purchased in Times Square. The billboard basically send the message that Christmas is just as good, or better without the religious part of it. Hannity, of course, claimed that there is no Christmas without Christ. But the truth is, that isn't true. Saturnilia, Yule, Winter Solstice, Etc... When the Christians created Christmas, the stole almost every part of it from earlier traditions. This includes every fun part about Christmas.
Hannity then claimed that they are purposely picking on Christians. He asked why American Atheists doesn't have a banner that says to take the Muhammad out of Ramadan. The thing is that they have put signs up targeted at Islam, but there are two main reasons Hannity's proposed sign doesn't exist. 1) Unlike Christmas, Ramadan is an exclusively religious holiday. Take religion out of Ramadan, and it ceases to exist. 2) The reason you don't see that many signs concerning Islam, is that Islam is not the religion trying to claim exclusivity and privilege within the government and on public land.
Sean also took issue with an Air Force base having to move it's nativity scene to the front of the chapel. Hannity somehow thought that it was due to atheist offense. And trying to keep people from being to allowed to display their light up baby Jesus. That isn't even close to the case. It isn't a case of offense, it's a case of following the law. If 0 people complained about the display, or 100 complained, it was still equally illegal prior to it being moved.
Yet Hannity acts like someone pissed in his corn flakes because someone is finally having the audacity to challenge the illegal Christian privilege that they have long enjoyed. Sorry Sean, but the party is over. And if we're lucky, Christianity will soon be playing by the same rules as everyone else.
-Brain Hulk
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