Would it change which gifts I gave? Not at all. I always try and get gifts that fit the recipient as best I can. Something that I think they'll love. But being my final Christmas wouldn't drive me to spend more extravagantly. I feel that doing so would be irresponsible. It would mean less money left for my wife to make due with during that very difficult time, as well as leaving a greater burden on those that would end up paying for my few final expenses.Suppose you knew that this Christmas would be your last one on earth. Would it make a difference in how you celebrated, in the gifts that you give, and in the meaning of the day?The answer, of course, would be yes. But how would it play out in your life?
I don't think that it would change how I celebrate Christmas. It being Christmas probably wouldn't really enter into it for me. Christmas is another day, though it is dressed up with festive charms. Knowing my days are soon to end would somewhat impact life in general though. I wouldn't say it would make me value life more, since I value it so greatly already. I would soak up and savor every moment though. Think of it like your favorite meal. You love every bite, and you can never get enough. But when you notice the plate is almost empty, you savor those last bites just a little bit extra. I'd use those last days to enjoy every moment I can with my wife, friends, and family.
Well, let’s start with the likelihood of whether or not this will actually be your last Christmas. You can look at things from a statistical perspective and conclude that this will probably not be your last one. But the matter of the length of life is not determined by statistical probabilities. The time of life is set by the will and plan of God. (Psalm 139:16) The truth is that we live at God’s pleasure and purpose. This means that it is wise to consider if this will be your last Christmas.
Christmas."? He does realize that this sounds like a threat, right? It sounds like he's saying, "You exist at God's whim, and he can totally kill you whenever he wants. So you better get in line!" To me, that makes this 'God' sound controlling, vain, and immature. Doesn't sound like a very good role model to me.
I do find it odd that Kirk is saying to live each Christmas like it's your last. Mainly because atheists tend to say to live your life to the fullest. Like each day might be your last... not just Christmas. I believe that I will live only this one life, and that I should waste as little of it as possible. You never know when this ride will come to a sudden end, so make the most of it! Maybe why that's why I don't take the love of my wife for granted. After four years of marriage, I still tell my wife that I love her every single day. More than say it, I also mean it wholeheartedly. Our love feels like it could last forever. But there's no telling what could happen tomorrow. So I embrace our love and cherish it for the beautiful thing it is.
Meanwhile I see believers with their pointless prohibitions and rules that can serve to shortchange life. Believers saying that this life isn't the important one, and that compromising this life to be more sure of the one next one that they are swearing exists. I believe I've even heard Kirk talking in this manner before. So I must say that it's surprising to hear his contradicting this speech in regard to Christmas. Then again, his favorite holy book is regularly self-contradictory, so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.
Christmas is the time when we celebrate the birth of Christ. We are in good company when we do. The Holy Spirit directed the Psalmist to pen Psalm 98 in anticipation of Christ’s birth. The praise of the Hosts of Heaven erupted making the announcement of the Christ child. So how much of your Christmas celebration is focused on the birth of your Savior? If this were your last Christmas how much of the celebration would you want to share with other things and other themes? The reality of knowing Christ secured eternity for you would dominate your Christmas with joy and gratitude.
"Christmas is the time when we celebrate the birth of Christ"? Um, maybe that's the reason that Christianity claims that we celebrate. The truth is that almost all of Christmas is plagiarized from earlier Pagan traditions and beliefs. And all those stem back to one thing... The Winter Solstice. Jesus is not the reason for the season, the tilt of the Earth is. So none of my Christmas celebration is centered around the birth of a figure, who if he actually existed was actually born in the Spring to
early Autumn.
If this was my last Christmas, it wouldn't cause me to focus on the supposed Christ. It wouldn't cause me to focus more on Christmas either. In fact, it would probably make me focus on it less. Christmas would possibly seem rather trivial at that point. Instead I'd focus first and foremost on my wife. Why? Because of love. And when you get right down to it, is there really anything more important than that?
-Brain Hulk
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